Double Stars by Constellation

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Tucana (Tuc)

Here is a listing of 31 double stars in Tucana. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
GLI 289 3.7 267 7.5 9.0 00:00.6 -66:40 F5
I 43 0.5 169 4.5 5.0 00:10.6 -73:13 B8/A2
BETA1/2/3 TUC 27.1 169 4.5 5.0 00:31.6 -62:57 B8/A2 Very nice Tripple containing SAO 248201, 248202 and 248208
COO 3 2.4 68 6.5 8.5 00:44.6 -62:30 F5
DUN 2 20.7 81 6.5 7.5 00:52.4 -69:30 F8 Near Lambda 1/2 Tuc
I 48 0.5 339 7.5 8.5 00:57.8 -66:33 G0
HJ 3416AB 5.0 128 7.5 7.5 01:03.3 -60:05 F5
GLI 9 3.9 355 7.0 10.0 01:10.0 -72:58 A0 Near SMC
I 27 1.0 317 8.0 8.5 01:14.9 -68:49 G5
KAPPA TUC 5.4 336 5.0 7.0 01:15.6 -68:53 F6
HJ 3426 2.5 337 6.5 9.5 01:17.0 -66:24 A0
I 263 0.6 233 8.0 8.5 01:22.0 -69:43 F2
B 554 4.3 110 7.0 12.0 22:16.1 -57:34 M5 Very red Carbon star
I 20 0.3 243 7.5 8.0 22:18.1 -62:48 F5
DELTA TUC 7.0 282 4.5 9.0 22:27.3 -64:57 B8 Very hot, blue star
I 137 2.0 335 7.0 10.0 22:27.4 -57:59 A2
I 340 0.9 359 6.0 9.0 22:52.2 -63:11 K0
HU 1643 1.8 12 7.0 11.5 23:01.0 -58:25 A3
DUN 244 47.2 96 7.5 10.0 23:02.3 -64:17 F0
DUN 245 13.7 291 7.0 9.0 23:08.6 -59:43 F2
B 590 0.1 355 7.5 8.0 23:08.6 -63:51 G0
I 143 3.1 9 7.0 10.5 23:15.5 -59:41 K2
DUN 247 46.6 291 7.0 8.0 23:18.0 -60:59 G5/A3 Optical Double
HU 1648 1.9 283 7.0 11.5 23:26.4 -63:14 A3
HJ 5402 36.3 198 7.0 9.0 23:31.0 -69:05 G0
HJ 5403 37.7 45 7.5 10.0 23:35.2 -64:40 F0
HJ 5415 38.2 126 7.5 11.0 23:43.3 -70:49 G5
B 1020 0.3 213 8.0 8.2 23:45.6 -58:16 A3
I 695C 8.3 23 7.0 13.0 23:47.4 -71:18 K0
COO 261 5.6 100 8.0 8.5 23:47.6 -60:30 K0
B 626 7.5 258 7.5 13.5 23:56.1 -62:52 A3