Double Stars by Constellation

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Scutum (Sct)

Here is a listing of 9 double stars in Scutum. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
ADS 11282 10.2 220 7.0 8.5 18:22.3 -15:05 F5 B is also a close double sep 1.2 PA 70 mag 8.5/9
STF 2313 6.1 198 7.0 8.5 18:24.7 -06:36 G0
STF 2325 12.4 257 6.0 9.0 18:31.5 -10:47 B2 Within Nebula IC 1287
STF 2337 16.3 297 8.0 9.0 18:35.0 -14:42 A0
BU 135 2.3 186 6.5 11.0 18:38.0 -14:00 B9
DELTA SCUTI 52.5 130 4.5 10.0 18:42.2 -09:03 F3
STF 2373 4.4 337 7.0 8.0 18:45.9 -10:29 F2
STF 2391 28.2 333 6.5 9.5 18:48.7 -06:01 A2
S SCUTI 14.4 238 7.5 12.0 18:50.3 -07:54 C6 Carbon Star