Double Stars by Constellation

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Puppis (Pup)

Here is a listing of 21 double stars in Puppis. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
HJ 3834 4.8 220 6.0 9.0 06:04.6 -45:05 F5/F8
SAO 217708 2.2 83 7.0 7.5 06:04.8 -48:27 G5
HJ 3856 34.5 4 6.5 9.5 06:22.9 -45:38 K0
I 282 1.3 306 7.5 10.0 06:24.1 -50:31 F0
I 156 1.4 129 6.0 8.5 06:25.7 -48:10 B9
SAO 234538 12.4 314 6.0 8.5 06:29.8 -50:14 G5
SAO 218051 10.2 204 7.5 9.0 06:35.8 -48:16 K0
SAO 218090 12.8 321 5.0 7.5 06:38.6 -48:12 A0
HJ 5443 15.6 107 6.0 10.0 06:41.2 -40:20 B3
SAO 197107 8.2 277 6.5 7.5 06:42.3 -38:23 A3
HJ 3889 42.3 266 7.0 9.0 06:42.8 -50:27 B9
HJ 3895 26.0 64 7.0 10.5 06:46.8 -47:48 G5
I 158 1.8 186 7.0 10.5 06:47.3 -48:33 G0
I 159 6.6 324 6.5 11.0 06:50.0 -45:26 K0
I 1498 9.9 288 6.5 12.5 06:52.8 -43:58 B9 Carbon Star HIP 32939 in field mag 11
HJ 3900 2.1 279 7.0 9.0 06:54.2 -34:12 A0
HD 51312 1.5 290 7.5 11.5 06:55.1 -38:33 K0
I 1161 1.9 24 7.5 11.0 06:57.8 -42:02 A5
I 66 14.8 269 8.0 9.5 06:58.3 -35:25 B9
HJ 3928 3.3 140 6.5 8.0 07:05.5 -34:46 F0
HJ 3931 57.3 313 7.0 10.0 07:06.0 -42:19 B9