Double Stars by Constellation

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Pisces (Psc)

Here is a listing of 58 double stars in Pisces. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
WEI 45 1.8 88 8.5 9.0 00:00.2 +01:46 G0
BU 281 1.5 178 7.5 11.0 00:02.8 +02:07 G0
34 PISCIUM 7.7 161 6.0 10.5 00:10.1 +11:08 B8
STF 8 7.8 291 7.5 8.5 00:11.6 -03:04 F8
35 PISCIUM 11.8 149 6.0 7.5 00:15.0 +08:49 A9
STF 15 4.7 199 7.5 10.0 00:15.9 -05:36 G5
ADS 211 6.0 142 7.5 12.0 00:16.1 +08:06 A5 Carbon Star 36 Piscium in field
38 PISCIUM 4.3 237 7.5 8.0 00:17.4 +08:52 F2 Primary has a very close companion at sep 0.1
STF 20 11.6 232 8.0 9.0 00:17.4 +16:30 F5
STF 23 3.0 256 7.5 10.0 00:17.5 +00:19 F8
STF 25 1.4 192 8.5 8.5 00:18.7 +15:59 F5
BU 1093 0.7 108 7.0 8.0 00:20.9 +10:58 A0
42 PISCIUM 28.5 324 6.5 10.0 00:22.4 +13:29 K2
BU 488 3.4 343 7.5 10.5 00:24.0 -03:28 A0
49 PISCIUM 20.9 103 7.0 10.5 00:30.8 +16:02 A0
51 PISCIUM 27.7 83 5.0 9.0 00:32.4 +06:57 A0
55 PISCIUM 6.6 193 5.5 8.0 00:39.9 +21:26 K0
A 32.9 83 6.0 6.5 01:05.8 +04:55 F5
STF 67 2.0 353 8.5 9.0 00:52.1 +10:36 F8
STF 74 3.2 300 8.0 9.0 00:54.8 +09:26 F0
BU 302 0.6 136 6.5 8.0 00:58.3 +21:24 A2 Carbon Star SAO 74393 in field
STF 82 1.7 305 8.5 9.5 01:00.7 +09:29 F0
STF 87 6.5 198 8.0 8.5 01:05.5 +15:24 K0 Primary is a Carbon Star
74-PSI1 PISCIUM 30.0 160 5.0 5.0 01:05.7 +21:29 B9
STT 22 8.8 196 7.0 10.0 01:07.0 +11:33 F0
HJ 634 41.1 255 6.5 11.0 01:10.9 +09:33 G0
STF 98 19.6 249 7.0 8.0 01:12.9 +32:05 A0
86-ZETA PISCIUM 23.6 63 4.5 5.5 01:13.7 +07:34 A5
85-PHI PISCIUM 7.7 225 4.5 10.0 01:13.7 +24:34 K0
HJ 636 20.7 288 7.5 10.0 01:14.4 +30:32 A0
STF 122 6.0 329 7.0 9.0 01:26.9 +03:32 B8
95 PISCIUM 147.0 222 7.0 11.5 01:27.7 +05:21 G0
STF 129 8.5 282 8.5 9.0 01:30.3 +12:39 F0
99-ETA PISCIUM 1.0 36 3.5 11.0 01:31.5 +15:20 G8
STF 132 43.3 348 7.0 10.0 01:32.0 +16:57 G5 Very nice little group
STT 31 4.3 80 7.0 11.0 01:33.3 +08:12 K0
100 PISCIUM 15.6 78 7.0 8.0 01:34.9 +12:33 A3
STF 138 1.5 51 7.5 7.5 01:36.0 +07:38 F8 Carbon Star SAO 110011 in field
103 PISCIUM 1.0 285 7.0 9.0 01:39.3 +16:37 G5 Carbon Star 105 Piscium in field
STF 146 24.1 306 8.5 8.5 01:41.3 +10:07 F8
STF 145 10.8 32 6.0 10.5 01:41.3 +25:45 F3
STF 155 5.0 326 8.0 8.5 01:44.2 +09:29 F2
113-ALPHA PISCIUM 1.9 292 4.0 5.0 02:02.0 +02:45 A2
HJ 647 26.1 32 9.0 9.5 02:02.6 +07:41 M8 Carbon Star SAO 110297 in field
STF 2929 11.0 115 6.5 10.0 22:57.1 -03:14 A0
2 PISCIUM 3.8 85 6.0 13.5 22:59.5 +00:58 K1
STF 2995 5.0 29 8.0 8.5 23:16.6 -01:36 G5
STF 3009 7.1 230 7.0 9.0 23:24.3 +03:42 K0
A 896 0.8 69 7.5 10.0 23:28.8 -00:49 F8
STF 3019 11.0 185 7.0 8.0 23:30.6 +05:14 A3
BU 723 3.7 164 7.5 11.5 23:40.7 +00:24 K0
STF 3030 2.4 222 8.5 8.5 23:40.8 -00:23 F0
STF 3031 14.3 311 7.5 8.5 23:41.2 +06:15 F8
STF 3033 3.1 6 8.5 8.5 23:44.0 +07:14 F2
HU 300 1.0 115 8.5 9.0 23:45.5 +06:29 G0
ADS 16995 1.0 356 8.5 8.5 23:47.1 +05:14 F8
STF 3045 1.5 264 8.0 10.0 23:54.5 +02:27 A2
27 PISCIUM 1.3 292 5.0 10.0 23:58.7 -03:33 G9