Double Stars by Constellation

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Piscis Austrinus (PsA)

Here is a listing of 21 double stars in Piscis Austrinus. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
6 PSA 6.8 59 6.0 13.0 21:32.2 -33:56 A0
B 1013 0.2 101 8.5 9.0 21:49.2 -35:38 F8 Carbon Star SAO 213295 in field
B 3059 25.2 253 7.5 10.5 21:50.8 -27:55 B9
B 1014 2.8 145 8.0 12.0 21:56.6 -31:23 A0
HJ 5311 40.6 292 7.0 10.0 21:59.5 -29:03 K0
STN 56 11.3 35 7.5 11.0 21:59.6 -27:37 F0
ETA PSA 1.6 116 5.5 6.5 22:00.9 -28:27 B8
B 547 2.3 294 8.0 14.0 22:03.1 -27:03 A2
B 549 3.6 213 7.0 13.0 22:04.5 -25:53 K0
DAW 156 1.3 317 7.5 11.0 22:10.5 -33:49 G0
BU 769 0.9 352 7.0 8.5 22:11.6 -34:28 F2
B 557 0.3 321 8.0 8.0 22:22.0 -34:30 F2 Shows up as a figure 8 at high mag
17-BETA PSA 30.4 172 4.5 7.5 22:31.5 -32:20 A0
B 568 4.9 310 7.5 13.0 22:38.0 -33:28 A3
HJ 5356 86.6 160 6.5 7.0 22:39.8 -28:20 G0/F5 B is also a close double sep 3.2 mags 7/8 PA 67
HDO 301 0.2 91 7.0 7.0 22:50.0 -32:48 F2
SEP 4.8 55.6 35 7.5 11.0 22:51.8 -35:52 A3 Third component sep 4.8, mag 12 PA 278
22-GAMMA PSA 4.3 262 4.5 8.5 22:52.6 -32:52 A0
DELTA PSA 5.0 244 4.5 10.0 22:56.0 -32:31 G8/G3
ALPHA PSA 30.0 36 1.0 14.0 22:57.6 -29:36 A3
HJ 5371 9.0 343 7.5 9.0 22:57.8 -26:05 G0