Double Stars by Constellation

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Phoenix (Phe)

Here is a listing of 38 double stars in Phoenix. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
I 1477 0.8 292 6.5 7.0 00:00.3 -44:17 G3
HJ 5437 1.9 312 6.5 10.0 00:00.6 -53:05 G0
HDO 180 5.4 176 6.0 11.5 00:06.3 -49:04 G1
HDO 181 0.4 206 6.0 8.0 00:09.0 -53:59 G4
HJ 3347 25.0 81 7.0 13.0 00:09.1 -50:10 B8
HJ 3364 39.8 239 7.5 10.5 00:24.7 -53:58 G0
I 45 0.5 231 8.0 8.5 00:33.5 -55:19 A2
XI PHE 13.2 253 6.0 10.0 00:41.8 -56:30 A8
MLO 1 6.2 162 7.5 8.0 00:42.0 -55:46 G0
HJ 3390 14.2 313 7.0 9.5 00:43.3 -45:10 G5 Nice little group of colored stars
ETA PHE 19.8 217 4.5 11.0 00:43.3 -57:28 A0 Difficult due to glare from primary
HDO 183 14.3 307 6.0 13.5 00:45.8 -47:33 K0
I 47 1.1 11 7.0 7.5 00:51.9 -43:42 F2
I 49 0.7 38 8.0 8.5 01:00.7 -52:34 F0
HJ 3415 1.0 144 7.5 7.5 01:03.9 -40:38 A2
HDO 184 3.7 259 73.5 11.0 01:04.0 -40:31 F5
BETA PHE 1.4 346 4.0 4.0 01:06.1 -46:42 G8 Third component mag 11.5 sep 57.5 PA 52
ZETA PHE 0.8 40 4.0 7.0 01:08.4 -55:15 B6 Third component sep 6.4, PA 243 mag 8
SLR 2 1.2 191 7.5 9.0 01:08.7 -46:40 A5
HU 1342 0.3 314 8.0 8.0 01:09.3 -56:36 F8
HJ 3422 14.0 56 7.5 11.5 01:15.0 -55:38 K5
HJ 3430 2.6 228 7.0 9.5 01:20.5 -57:21 F8
HDO 185 4.6 240 7.5 11.5 01:23.7 -40:57 K0
I 447 1.4 309 6.5 10.0 01:31.7 -45:34 A0
I 51 1.5 11 7.0 9.5 01:34.3 -45:41 G5
I 1139B 7.3 75 7.5 14.0 01:58.5 -41:10 F0
DUN 250 33.4 85 8.5 9.0 23:27.2 -50:16 K2 Nice red pair
I 1059 1.1 188 7.5 11.0 23:27.9 -50:20 G5
I 23 0.8 334 8.0 9.0 23:28.2 -56:26 F3
COO 258 1.9 198 8.5 9.0 23:33.5 -57:01 F8
IOTA PHE 6.7 270 5.0 13.0 23:35.1 -42:37 A2
I 25 0.8 42 8.0 8.0 23:35.4 -57:29 F2
THETA PHE 4.0 275 6.5 7.0 23:39.5 -46:38 A3 AKA Dunlop 251
HDO 303 2.0 65 7.0 10.0 23:40.0 -47:19 G5
HU 1550 0.7 192 8.0 8.5 23:41.5 -41:34 F5
DAW 28 3.8 74 7.0 11.0 23:43.1 -46:18 G5 B is also a close double sep 0.5, PA 292 mags 11.5/12
I 305 3.1 123 7.0 11.0 23:48.1 -50:53 K0
SLR 14 1.0 5 8.0 8.5 23:50.5 -51:42 G5 True Binary, about 188 years