Double Stars by Constellation

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Mensa (Men)

Here is a listing of 12 double stars in Mensa. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
HJ 3607 37.2 127 8.0 8.5 03:37.2 -80:52 K0/A5
HJ 3612 19.4 162 8.0 9.0 03:42.4 -80:01 F8
HJ 3673 10.2 67 7.5 7.5 04:25.0 -77:41 F8
I 472 18.6 78 7.5 11.0 04:31.0 -78:37 A2
HJ 3741 46.5 122 6.0 10.0 04:59.9 -78:17 K0/M0
HRG 2 1.1 172 7.5 8.0 05:01.3 -74:20 A0
GAMMA MEN 38.2 107 5.0 11.0 05:31.8 -76:21 K4 Optical Double
I 277 3.9 190 7.5 11.0 05:35.2 -71:08 K0 Near NGC 2018
HJ 3911 22.0 47 7.0 11.0 06:47.5 -76:51 G5
HJ 3932 8.3 284 7.5 10.0 06:54.1 -77:46 A2
HJ 3996 16.6 255 7.5 11.0 07:11.7 -84:28 B9
I 312 1.1 161 8.5 8.5 07:15.5 -75:52 F5