Double Stars by Constellation

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Hydrus (Hyi)

Here is a listing of 12 double stars in Hydrus. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
HJ 3420 22.6 32 7.5 10.5 01:06.8 -81:38 K0
HJ 3435 25.5 360 7.0 9.0 01:25.3 -59:30 F2
HJ 3475 2.6 64 7.0 7.0 01:55.3 -60:18 F0
HJ 3483 7.2 284 9.5 9.5 02:04.0 -71:15 G0
HJ 3481 18.2 9 8.5 10.0 02:05.4 -59:10 A2
HJ 3784 52.7 61 7.5 9.0 02:07.4 -59:39 F5
HJ 3489 21.9 244 7.0 11.0 02:11.9 -70:56 G5
GLI 16 10.6 158 9.0 9.5 02:11.9 -72:40 F4
I 266 3.1 163 7.0 12.0 02:12.8 -66:08 K0
I 458 1.6 274 8.0 10.5 02:18.1 -71:29 G5
HJ 3522 34.3 290 7.0 10.5 02:33.3 -75:53 F2
HJ 3568 15.4 224 5.5 8.0 03:07.3 -78:59 F0