Double Stars by Constellation

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Horologium (Hor)

Here is a listing of 15 double stars in Horologium. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
HJ 3497 34.2 82 5.5 9.5 02:19.9 -55:56 K5
HJ 3503 0.8 219 8.0 8.5 02:27.9 -58:08 F8
HJ 3520 21.8 204 8.0 8.5 02:39.0 -54:50 F0
DUN 7 36.7 96 7.0 7.0 02:39.6 -59:33 K0/A5
DUN 10 38.3 70 7.5 8.5 03:04.6 -51:19 G0/K0
HJ 3559 43.1 40 6.5 11.0 03:10.1 -63:54 A2
HJ 3562 34.4 331 7.0 7.5 03:12.0 -64:19 F8
SLR 4 1.1 252 9.5 9.5 03:13.6 -47:12 F5
HU 1353 2.6 191 8.5 11.0 03:13.7 -56:03 A1
HJ 3576 3.0 342 7.5 9.0 03:24.5 -45:40 A2
HJ 3575 34.9 45 6.5 10.0 03:24.5 -51:04 A0
SEE 29 14.6 259 7.5 12.5 03:36.9 -49:57 G0
SLR 5 1.7 190 7.5 9.5 03:41.8 -48:13 F0
HU 1361 4.2 77 7.5 11.0 03:56.1 -47:46 F8
HJ 3611 4.2 140 8.0 8.5 03:56.7 -39:54 A3