Double Stars by Constellation

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Cancer (Cnc)

Here is a listing of 17 double stars in Cancer. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
STF 1162 9.1 328 8.0 10.0 07:57.4 +13:12 G5
STF 1167 12.0 228 9.0 11.0 07:58.6 +16:27 G
STF 1170 2.3 104 8.0 8.0 07:59.8 +13:41 F5
STF 1171 2.3 326 6.0 11.0 08:01.0 +23:34 K1
STF 1173 10.0 51 8.0 9.5 08:01.4 +16:56 G0
HO 349 9.8 226 8.0 12.0 08:02.6 +12:27 K0
BU 581 4.9 210 8.0 10.0 08:04.4 +12:17 K2
STF 1181 5.2 140 7.0 9.0 08:05.4 +08:12 G5
STF 1177 3.4 351 6.5 7.5 08:05.7 +27:31 A0
11 CNC 3.2 218 7.0 10.0 08:08.9 +27:29 K0 Red/White pair
STF 1188 16.1 201 8.0 9.0 08:09.4 +30:21 G0
STF 1187 2.5 29 7.0 8.0 08:09.6 +32:13 F2
STF 1191 3.2 72 8.5 9.0 08:10.8 +19:02 G5
HJ 777 11.0 351 8.5 10.0 08:11.5 +10:41 A0
STF 1197 1.8 102 8.0 9.0 08:12.7 +29:32 A2
STF 1201 6.6 183 8.0 9.5 08:12.9 +09:34 A5
STF 1202 2.4 311 7.5 9.5 08:13.5 +10:50 F8