Double Stars by Constellation

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Canis Minor (CMi)

Here is a listing of 21 double stars in Canis Minor. Doubles which have stars that show colour are marked in shaded rows. The names of the stars contains a link to the Simbad entry for it, containing more information.

Name Sep PA Mag1 Mag2 RA Dec Spect Comments
STT 170 1.3 94 7.5 7.5 07:17.6 +09:17 G0
STF 1074 0.6 161 7.5 8.0 07:20.6 +00:24 B9 Third component at 12.8" PA 101 mag 12.5
A 2939 3.7 244 7.5 13.5 07:20.8 +09:39 F5
STF 1076 2.9 110 8.5 8.5 07:21.0 +04:03 A0
STF 1073 8.8 67 8.0 10.0 07:21.1 +10:11 A0
STF 1082 19.9 326 8.0 8.5 07:23.8 +10:42 A3 Third component at 15.6" PA 22 Mag 13
STF 1095 10.1 78 8.5 9.0 07:27.4 +08:44 A2
ETA CMI 4.0 25 5.5 11.0 07:28.0 +06:56 F0
GAMMA CMI 30.0 240 4.0 13.0 07:28.1 +08:55 K3/A5 Very Red primary
A 2739 3.8 225 8.0 12.0 07:29.3 +03:22 A5
STF 1099 4.0 343 8.5 9.0 07:29.5 +11:31 A0
STF 1103 4.4 243 7.0 8.5 07:30.6 +05:15 B9
STF 1114 6.5 54 8.5 9.0 07:33.7 +09:17 G0
ALPHA CMI 3.9 113 1.0 13.0 07:39.4 +05:14 F5
STF 1129 0.9 161 7.0 7.5 07:40.2 +05:14 A0 Primary spect, third component at 44.4" pa 249 mag 10.5
STF 1134 10.2 147 8.0 11.0 07:43.5 +03:29 F8 Third component at 85.5" PA 347 Mag 10.5
STF 1137 2.9 132 8.0 9.0 07:46.6 +04:07 F5
STF 1149 21.7 41 7.5 9.0 07:49.5 +03:13 G0
STF 1168 6.2 220 8.0 12.0 07:58.8 +05:37 B9
STF 1175 1.2 258 8.0 10.0 08:02.4 +04:09 G5
STF 1182 4.5 73 7.0 9.0 08:05.5 +05:49 B9 Extremely Red SAO 116340 Carbon star in field